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 Merope's Reflection Nebula 

IC 349 BW

Reflection nebulas reflect light from a nearby star. Many small carbon grains in the nebula reflect the light. The blue color typical of reflection nebula is caused by blue light being more efficiently scattered by the carbon dust than red light. The brightness of the nebula is determined by the size and density of the reflecting grains, and by the color and brightness of the neighboring star(s). NGC 1435, pictured above, surrounds Merope (23 Tau), one of the brightest stars in the Pleiades (M45). The Pleiades nebulosity is caused by a chance encounter between an open cluster of stars and a molecular cloud. . [Text from APOD]

Pubblications NASA APOD 15 February 2012
  Image used for RNASA -Rotary National Award for Space Achievement
  Cover of "Nuovo Orione" magazine "Year 2013 Calendar"
  Published on "Astronomy Photographer Of The Year" Book - 2012 [p.171]
Optics: GSO RC 10" F8 2000mm - Astrograph Ritchie-Chrétien
Mount: AP Mach1 GTO on Gemini Q-Lock tripod
Camera: ATIK 4000LE with SX USB Filter Wheel
Filters: Baader LRGB 2"
Guiding Systems: SXV-AO-LF Active Optics - SX Lodestar
Dates/Times: 14/15/16 January 2012
Location: Pragelato (TO) - Italy
Exposure Details: L:R:G:B => 250:60:50:70 = > (50x5):(12x5):(10x5):(14x5) all bin1 [num x minutes]
Cooling Details: -20°C
Acquisition: Maxim DL/CCD, Perseus
Processing: CCDStack2, PS CS2, PixInsight
Mean FWHM: 1.88" / 2.38"
SQM-L: 21.18 / 21.26